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We want to partner with parents to help kids discover and follow Jesus for a lifetime.
From babies through 6th grade there is a place at MBC for your kids.
10:30AM Sundays
PCYC | 95 Commerce Street | Taree
ARE PEOPLE WHO AREN'T CHRISTIAN WELCOME?You betchya! Everyone's welcome and so we work hard at making our gatherings really real: accessible to everyday people, because we're everyday people, and Jesus is good news for everyday people.
WHEN SHOULD I ARRIVE?The service kicks off at 10:30AM but you're welcome to rock up from 10:00AM. Folks will be around to say 'G'Day', and you can grab a cuppa and a feed.
WHAT SHOULD I WEAR?You don’t need to dress up to come to church. Dress like you would at the shops. We really just want you to relax, forget about what other people think and engage with God’s word in the Bible.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT?As you walk in there'll usually be a few people to say 'G'Day', and if there's time, you can grab a cuppa. There are no assigned seats or special rows for certain people. Feel free to sit anywhere you like. We start off with a couple of songs, then a talk for kids, who are then invited to join in our MBC Kids program in the room next door whilst the youth and adults spend time hearing a chunk of the Bible read and explained. MBC Youth are then invited to join in a small group discussion in a nearby room to explore and apply what they've just heard. Someone will lead the rest of the church in prayer, and then we sing another couple of songs near the end. We encourage you to engage at your own pace, even if that means just listening! After the service, lots of people stick around to share a nice feed together (free of charge).
WHAT IF I'VE GOT KIDS OR TEENS?Children of any age are welcome to stay with the adults during the service, but we also have kids programs, and there is plenty of room for carers and their infants. Teens begin in the service and are invited to join the MBC Youth program after the Bible talk. For more information about MBC Kids click here. For more information about MBC Youth click here.
HOW LONG DOES IT GO FOR?The church service usually goes for just over an hour. After the service, lots of folks stick around to share a nice feed together (free of charge).
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